Friends & Fellow Citizens
In this unique civics podcast, discover how the principles of George Washington's Farewell Address (patriotism, civility, faith, education, national unity, and fiscal responsibility) apply to today! With a focus on American political institutions and policymaking, hear fascinating stories and discussions that any America-loving listener can enjoy!
This non-partisan podcast is a remarkable mix of solo shows, interviews and special guests that gives you a great boost of freedom! New episodes on the first two Mondays of each month!
Friends & Fellow Citizens
#50: Guiding Forces of Kindness on Social Media
Social media has undoubtedly changed the way people interact. Amid debates about its usage and effects on the cultural fabric of our nation, proper education about social media is a top priority. Social media influencer Britain Bennett joins us to share her story and how her initiatives help young victims of bullying and encourage parents to be a guiding force in children's social media use.
Check out the resources below to learn more about Britain and her platform!
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/britain_bennett/?hl=en
TBH: https://hellotbh.com
Britain's email: britainabennett@gmail.com
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IMPORTANT NOTE/DISCLAIMER: All views expressed by the host are presented in his personal capacity and do not officially represent the views of any affiliated organizations. All views presented by guests are solely those of the interviewees themselves and may or may not reflect the views of their affiliated organizations, the host, Friends & Fellow Citizens, and/or The George Washington Institute.